lunes, 11 de enero de 2016

There are more than 18 million active Xbox One worldwide

a major portal technology in the United States. How has reached 18 million active machines? According to Microsoft, there are 200 million devices with the Windows 10 operating today. Of these, 180 are computers, 18 million belong to Xbox One and more than a million phones with the new operating system. The Xbox One that count as activation of Windows 10 are updated in recent days by the New Xbox Experience, namely, that if they are not updated are not counted in this calculation.What exactly is the data? Consoles that are active in more than a month, which is the time it takes the most current available important system made by Microsoft on Xbox One so far. It would not be surprising that in the process of renovation, many users are not on the console since then and are not as active computing machines in official calculations with Microsoft Windows 10, so the data must be taken as an approximation, not as an affirmation.

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