lunes, 11 de enero de 2016

Microsoft explained the reasons for not dub the voices of the Spanish Version of Quantum Break

In the last hours Microsoft has sent a statement to various media to give more details on the reasons for this decision, which read: "We value the wishes of all our fans and take their views into account, but because of the ambitious experience we're creating for Quantum Break which extends through the gameplay and a host of image and really aggressive development cycle that has taken the project, we could not include voices in Spanish. "
"However, we want to make sure that our fans in Spain And Latin America will enjoy Quantum Break as fully and authentically as possible, and will include subtitles in Spanish to accompany the voices in English."
On the possibility that the voices in Spanish arrived later in download form, read: "We are always exploring new ways to provide the best possible experience for all fans with Quantum Break However, we have nothing more to say. right now".

Palmer Luckey "Virtual Boy's association with virtual reality has hurt the industry"

Gunpei Yokoi was one of the greatest minds that have ever worked on Nintendo. However, his latest work for the company Kyoto became, for dessert, in one of his few black spots on his immaculate record: the Virtual Boy. The device offered users of Nintendo the chance to enjoy an archaic experience of virtual reality with the signing exclusive games Mario in a new console that had to live in 1995 with Super Nintendo, Gameboy and a few months of the release of Nintendo 64 . He never got off the ground.

It ended in resounding failure, one of the most important and unprecedented signature then led by Hiroshi Yamauchi. The output was sounded Yokoi and Nintendo gave shelved the virtual reality. The founder of Oculus VR, Palmer Luckey, spoke of the significance of the invention in a new session of questions and answers on Reddit: "Actually it was not a virtual reality device had no head tracking, had a short field of view. TV and 3D was essentially a monochrome A real shame too. The Virtual Boy association with virtual reality has hurt the industry in the long term. "

There are more than 18 million active Xbox One worldwide

a major portal technology in the United States. How has reached 18 million active machines? According to Microsoft, there are 200 million devices with the Windows 10 operating today. Of these, 180 are computers, 18 million belong to Xbox One and more than a million phones with the new operating system. The Xbox One that count as activation of Windows 10 are updated in recent days by the New Xbox Experience, namely, that if they are not updated are not counted in this calculation.What exactly is the data? Consoles that are active in more than a month, which is the time it takes the most current available important system made by Microsoft on Xbox One so far. It would not be surprising that in the process of renovation, many users are not on the console since then and are not as active computing machines in official calculations with Microsoft Windows 10, so the data must be taken as an approximation, not as an affirmation.